TCAA Membership Information


  • Active: Any person licensed to practice law in the State of Texas who has been duly elected or appointed to
    the office of city attorney or assistant city attorney of a city, town, or village.
  • Associate : Any person licensed to practice law in the State of Texas who is interested in the representation
    of municipalities and the general improvement of municipal law practice and the purposes of the Texas City Attorneys
  • Paralegal: Any person who meets the definition of “paralegal” as promulgated by the State Bar of Texas,
    who is employed by an active, associate, or honorary member, and who is interested in the representation of
    municipalities and the general improvement of municipal law practice and the purpose of the Texas City Attorneys
  • Law Clerk (Student): Any person who is enrolled at an accredited law school who is interested in the
    representation of municipalities and the general improvement of municipal law practice and the purpose of the Texas City
    Attorneys Association.


Annual dues are per individual, on a fiscal year beginning July 1. Membership fees are as follows:

  • City Attorneys are $80.00.
  • Assistant City Attorneys are $50.00.
  • Associate Members are $90.00.
  • Paralegals are $50.00.
  • Law Clerks (Students) are $50.00.


TCAA Newsletter

The monthly TCAA newsletter, which provides notices and announcements concerning TCAA CLE opportunities, as well as summaries of recent Texas cases, Fifth Circuit cases, and Texas Attorney General opinions of interest to cities.


Access to TCAA ListServ, our membership knowledge and information sharing listserv. Have a question related to municipal law? Send it to our listserv and get responses from experienced attorneys. Our community has attorneys from all over the state of Texas who are willing to share their knowledge and resources with other members.

Discounted Registration

Discounted registration rates for TCAA conferences. Enjoy a discounted registration price for all TCAA events including: The Riley Fletcher Seminar, TCAA Summer Conference, , the Paralegal Program, and more!

Online Catalog of Past Conferences

Access to free online CLE seminars. Earn CLE credit by watching our previous conferences from the last year. If you missed a session from one of our events, you can go back and watch it at any time thanks to our extensive catalog.

Volunteer Opportunities

The opportunity to participate in TCAA’s volunteer unit, City Attorneys Responding in an Emergency (the TCAA CARE Unit).

TCAA Regional Groups

Regional or local groups are a great way to meet and network with other city attorneys within close geographic proximity. These groups also create opportunities and time to learn about legal issues facing cities and gain insight into solutions that can be applied across all city organizations.

Discounted TML Publications

TCAA membership provides each member with an opportunity to receive, at significantly reduced prices, one subscription to the Texas Municipal League’s monthly magazine Texas Town & City and/or one annual TML Directory of City Officials.

Free Small City Limited IMLA Membership

Through a partnership with the International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA) that is designed to benefit TCAA members who represent cities below 2,500 in population, TCAA will pay for those cities under 2,500 in population to be limited members of IMLA. The limited IMLA membership includes: (1) a subscription to IMLA’s outstanding Municipal Lawyer magazine; (2) a subscription to IML@ NEWS (IMLA’s informative e-newsletter); and (3) discounted registration for all IMLA conferences and seminars.

And much more!