Overview of Emergency Management Law (1 hr)
Kevin Pagan, City Attorney and Emergency Management Coordinator, McAllen
- Texas Emergency Management Executive Guide
- Texas Government Code Chapter 418
- Sample Request for Emergency Declaration
- Sample Disaster Declaration
- Annex U Legal
The Forms You Must Have (.5 hr)
TCAA Board Member Alan Bojorquez, Bojorquez Law Firm, Austin
Sample Forms
How the TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool helps in an Emergency (.25 hr)
Les Horne, TML IRP Loss Prevention Manager
The Public Information Act and Disaster-Related Documents (.5 hr)
Ryan Henry, Law Offices of Ryan Henry, San Antonio
The Agencies You Will Deal With – TDEM (.75 hr)
W. Nim Kidd, Division Chief, Texas Department of Emergency Management, Austin
(No materials were provided for this presentation.)
Ethical Responsibilities During an Emergency (1 hr ethics)
Stefanie Albright, Lloyd, Gosselink, Rochelle and Townsend, Austin
Personnel Issues During and After a Disaster (.75 hr)
Vanessa Gonzalez, Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta, Austin