Wednesday, August 4
A Strategic Look at Robert’s Rules for Council Meetings
Thomas Gwosdz, City Attorney, City of Victoria
Utility Rate Basics
Heather Lockhart, Staff Attorney, New Braunfels Utilities, and Holly Heinrich, Assistant City Attorney, City of Austin
COVID-19 and Takings
Scott T. Doggett and Jordan A. Miller, Partners, Baker Moran Doggett Ma & Dobbs, LLP, Plano
Can They Say That? Employee Speech for Public Employers
Melissa Cranford, Senior Attorney, Messer Fort & McDonald, PLLC, Frisco
Recent State Cases of Interest to Cities
Laura Mueller, City Attorney, Dripping Springs
How to Amend Your Home-Rule Charter
Ryan Henry, Attorney, Law Offices of Ryan Henry, PLLC, San Antonio
Thursday, August 5
Employee Health Issues in the Wake of COVID-19: How Has the Pandemic Changed the Workplace?
Katie Rutherford, Associate, Olson & Olson, LLP, Houston
Update on Certificate of Convenience and Necessity Case Law
Maris Chambers, Associate, Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, P.C., Austin
Cybersecurity is a Risky Business
Ryan Burns, Cyber Risk Services Manager, TML Intergovernmental Risk Pool, and Will Trevino, Legal Counsel, Texas Municipal League, Austin
Utility Update
Alfred R. Herrera, Managing Partner, Herrera Law & Associates, PLLC, Austin; Michael Tomsu, Partner- Energy Regulation, and Taylor Holcomb, Counsel, Vinson & Elkins, LLP, Austin
City Budget and Tax Rate Adoption Process
Leela Fireside, Assistant City Attorney, City of Austin
Recent Federal Cases of Interest
Randy Montgomery, Partner, D. Randall Montgomery & Associates, PLLC, Dallas
Most-Common Animal-Related Issues Affecting Cities
Robyn Katz, Associate, Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, P.C., Austin
Matthew Wade, Shareholder, Underwood Law Firm, P.C., Amarillo
Legislative Update
TML Staff
Code Enforcement
Janet Spugnardi, Deputy City Attorney, City of Irving, and Michelle Voirin, Chief Prosecutor, City of Plano
Fair Labor Standards Act
Sheila Gladstone, Chair- Employment Law Practice Group, Lloyd Gosselink Rochelle & Townsend, P.C., Austin
Friday, August 6
Litigation Under the Public Information Act
Neal Falgoust, Assistant City Attorney, City of Austin
Ethics, Obligations, and Potential Liability Related to Legal Opinion Letters: What Exactly Are You Signing?
Slater Elza, Shareholder, Underwood Law Firm, P.C., Amarillo
Recent Changes & Current Trends in Construction Contracts
Jeff Chapman, Attorney, The Chapman Firm PLLC, Austin
General Contracts- A Litigator’s Perspective
Daniel Olds, Attorney, and Steven Weller, Attorney, Bickerstaff Heath Delgado Acosta, LLP, Austin
Lawyer Wellbeing in a New Age- Post Pandemic
Chris Ritter, Director, Texas Lawyer Assistance Program, Austin, and Victor Flores, Assistant City Attorney, City of Brownsville